Our purpose is to accelerate impact and value by helping you clarify strategic opportunities to mobilize community, public and private sector resources, roles and responsibilities toward shared social and economic goals.
Our approach is human - centered and participatory - we believe the best solutions are derived by the people who are your key stakeholders and beneficiaries.
Our value is our ability to draw out those ideas, synthesize and validate approaches with data and available evidence, and help you make the strategic connections to achieve impact at the leadership, team, organizational and/or systems levels.

Deepa Gupta founded Blue Lotus in the fall of 2019 based on her experiences across the nonprofit, public and private sectors.
Industry experiences include US and global health, US public education early learning - post-secondary attainment, workforce development, arts and culture, aerospace and defense manufacturing and services.
We work with strategic teams leading nonprofit and public agencies, philanthropies, and corporate teams in human capital including human development, performance management, culture and inclusion, organizational strategy and design.
We engage other experienced teammates based on your scope and needs.

We bring deep experience in the design and execution of creative cross-sector and intra-organizational collaboration.
In private philanthropy, design and launch of an Arts Loan Fund to support the capitalization of mid-sized nonprofit arts groups by local banks.
In corporate philanthropy, co-creation of ~100 original K-12 education resources by leading industry engineers and public educators; activation in 16 global communities by nonprofits and school districts.
In human capital management, drove the redefinition of enterprise core beliefs and expectations inside a Fortune 100 to match strategic 21st century business goals and the needed shifts in everyday working norms.